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in News8 things you need to know about this murder by police with video
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in NewsAttention: NETFLIX SCAM ALERT – Share with your family
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in NewsFacts you didn't know about Cary Jay Smith
Top Facts about Cary Jay Smith and why you should take action: Cary Jay Smith is 59 years old Cary Jay Smith is a Convicted Sex Offender that is NO LONGER REQUIRED TO REGISTER AS A SEX OFFENDER. Smith pleaded guilty in 1985 to a misdemeanor sex offense against a child In 2002, prosecutors attempted […] More
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in News8 things you need to know about this murder by police with video
Warning the following footage is very disturbing! 1. Footage was provided by Darnella Frazier on her Facebook page Monday. 2. This happened in Minneapolis 3. Officer was pinning a suspect by the neck with his knew 4. The man was being arrested for alleged forgery charges. 5. The man being arrested REPEATEDLY repeated that he […] More
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in NewsAttention: NETFLIX SCAM ALERT – Share with your family
Thank you for Samantha for pointing this one out. She received an email supposedly from NETFLIX but it’s actually a phishing scam to get your bank information and more. What to do? You can find out more at or keep reading: I received a suspicious email or text claiming to be from Netflix If […] More
116 Views2 Votes
in NewsGODADDY CUSTOMERS – Fake Email Scam Please Share
For Godaddy Clients: There is a fake scam email circulating asking you to Update your Security Information. The email will look like this: You can see that the email address it comes from IS NOT from If you click the button you will be sent to a web page on a website that IS […] More
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in NewsLong Island boy dies while 50 teens video on their phones
Presumed Facts about Khaseen Morris’s death: At least 50 teens sat there and watched as he lay there dying __________________________________________________________________________________ This is not the time to sit there quiet either. Don’t add to those 50 people say something you can do it anonymously. More people were involved and more have more information. Anyone with information […] More
439 Views1 Vote
in NewsCCTV captures woman stealing ring from corpse in open casket
In Odessa, Texas a woman stole this poor woman’s wedding ring off her body as she was laying in the coffin. Her family was distraught. The woman whose ring was stolen was 88 year old Lois Hicks. Her family was devastated especially her grand daughter Brooke Vaughan Burns who posted on Facebook about the disgusting […] More
41 Views2 Votes
in NewsHORRIBLE video of crash caught LIVE
You are about to watch a shocking video of what appears to be a driving under the influence crash and flip their car on an innocent bystanders pulled over vehicle. Everyone who knows me knows the passion that I have about people driving under the influence. We don’t know this for sure but there was […] More
89 Views3 Votes
in NewsDO NOT WATCH if you aren't ready to get really angry
In Richmond, BC..Canada This White lady went on a racist tirade against an Asian Woman after hitting her parked car. THIS IS DISGUSTING! Who is she? — StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) August 25, 2019 This quite clearly racist lady acts worse than a toddler and goes on a tirade against this woman she hit with her […] More
25 Views1 Vote
in NewsTwo guards placed on administrative leave on Epstein case
The Justice Department says two guards assigned to watch Jeffrey Epstein when he killed himself in jail have been placed on administrative leave. — The Associated Press (@AP) August 13, 2019 Well I’m sure that is absolutely going to solve the problem. Obviously I’m speaking in a sarcastic tone because this seems like it’s […] More
175 Views2 Votes
in NewsBagel Boss guy has MORE VIDEOS! …you won't believe them!
So there is more to this story about this angry man and the videos he posted on his YouTube Channel are horrible! Check this news story out that Phil DeFranco did on the #BagelBoss guy ___ Philip DeFranco is a YouTuber that does news stories, check his website out More
112 Views6 Votes
in NewsVIDEO OF Police officer ABUSING his K9 dog – CAUTION GRAPHIC
source What we learned so far: This happened in Hammond, Indiana The police officer and K9 were called in at a traffic stop to search for drugs. The video was filmed by a random observer In the video the officer grabs the dog by the neck and whipping him while dangling him up off his […] More
16 Views3 Votes
in NewsThey shouldn't decide whether to live or to have a place to
"Your indifference cost these men and women their most valuable commodity: time." Jon Stewart receives a standing ovation from 9/11 first responders after slamming lawmakers for failing to fund programs providing healthcare to the first responders — ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) June 11, 2019 If you haven’t heard the SHAMING speech that Jon […] More