March 9th Polyana Viana a mixed martial arts fighter wish a nickname of “Iron Lady” was just waiting on a bench for her Uber ride when a very unfortunate thief snuck up close to her quite quickly and she didn’t realize until he hat sat next to her. He asked her for the time then proceeded put his hand on a gun shape in his pocket and demand her phone and valuables.
“He was really close to me. So I thought ‘if it’s a gun, he won’t have time to draw it.’ So I stood up. I threw two punches and a kick. He fell, then I caught him in a rear-naked choke. He told me to let him go, like ‘I just asked for the time.’ I said, ‘Asked for the time my ass,’ because he saw I was very angry…then I sat him down in the same place we were before and said ‘now we’ll wait for the police”
Viana realizing he would not have time to pull the gun, punched him twice, kicked him and put him in a choke hold and asked passers by to call the police. The thief asked her to let him go but soon realized if he didn’t stay quiet she might hit him again so he asked for the police as well.
Viana continued on home to make her self dinner while the thief had to have a bit of a hospital stay before going to jail.
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