Day 7:
Explaining the benefits of your product or service is a major selling point that many business owners forget to mention when it comes to their product or service.
Today choose a random item or service that you offer and let the people you share it with know why this item or service will benefit them.Here is an example:
There are many reasons to own your own home. *Homes typically increase in value, build equity and provide a nest egg for the future. Your costs are predictable and more stable than renting because they’re ideally based on a fixed-rate mortgage. The interest and property tax portion of your mortgage payment is a tax deduction.*
* Real-estate fact shared from https://www.incharge.org/housing/homebuyer-education/homeownership-guide/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-owning-a-home/?fbclid=IwAR0CVBuF6XeFVKEOB7VZBwJfJaMLmTTcDzLflGPsq6w66rtQ7gfsmFx_vvE
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