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in WTFNot being shared enough and he needs to be found!
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in WTFAnother child gets maced in the face – watch the video
Another child gets maced in the face, I was originally trying to find the video of that little girl posted in the last picture on this small article. The one in the pink shirt but I cant’ find the information on her, and its very frustrating. Looking for her though I found another child suffering […] More
17 Views1 Vote
in WTFSuspect passed gas so loudly, cops found him as he was hiding!
If you’ve got a felony warrant for your arrest, the cops are looking for you and you pass gas so loud it gives up your hiding spot, you’re definitely having a 💩 day. #TuesdayThoughts 🚓 #ItHappened — Clay County, Missouri Sheriff (@SheriffClayCo) July 9, 2019 I found more information at the NY Daily News […] More
142 Views1 Vote
in WTFDeputy Jeff Graves mocked an LGBTQ child's suicide…
I couldn’t share from their Facebook page so I’m sending the info here. Please take an action if you can and send a message make your voice heard. ______________________________________ Madison County Sheriff Kevin Turner: Facebook: Twitter: _______________________________________ Source: One Pulse For America Facebook More
20 Views1 Vote
in WTF5 Cases of Justice not served – Unbelievably low jail sentences
In this article I wanted to share some horrible injustices. These are people who were convicted of disturbing crimes that were given pretty much a slap on the wrist. More
185 Views3 Votes
in WTFWeird and often offensive vintage ads! (Open list) (11 submissions)
Got some to share? Add them to this list More
37 Views1 Vote
in WTFLady Gaga "They used to call me a slut"
“I used to self-tan, and I had this really intense tan in school, and people would say, ‘Why the fuck are you so orange, why do you do your hair that way, are you a dyke? Why do you have to look like that for school?’ I used to be called a slut, be called this, […] More
18 Views1 Vote
in WTF11 kitties left to SUFFOCATE in boxes by a heartless person!
On January 11th 2019, a lady named Wendy, returning from her work saw some cardboard boxes near a busy road. She heard meowing and investigated and called Celia Hammond Animal Trust in for help. She saved 11 young very confused cats that were about to suffocate inside these boxes which were sealed up in an […] More
31 Views2 Votes
in WTFHe stole a 14 year old cancer patients chemo medicine! #FINDHIM
See this man? Do you know him? If you are by Summerlin, Las Vegas keep an eye out of this scum. He stole 14 year old Gage Haynes chemo medication right out from the front porch minutes after it was delivered. Gage’s mom, Stacey Shavinsky, spoke with 14News on this article and stated: “Once I […] More
26 Views2 Votes
in WTFMeet Bazooka he was returned because…
Found this lovable guy through a friend who shared it from the Last Hope Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation page on Facebook, and saw the reason he was returned. If you would like to adopt Bazooka he is at3300 Beltagh Ave (Across From Wantagh HS)Wantagh, New York 11793 Phone: (516) 783-0030 Please consider supporting LastHope […] More
16 Views1 Vote
in WTFAnother child BULLIED to SUICIDE… at 11 years old…please listen
Delia Watson was an 11 year old girl who took her life because of the bullies in her life. According to her friend Delia “…held her head up high and always carried a beautiful smile” so please it doesn’t matter if they are smiling, please talk to your children about bullying and check out their […] More
27 Views1 Vote
in WTFPOLICE BODY CAMERA view and body language – Tragedy
source Chris Watts killed his family and covered it up. Derek Van Schaik a YouTuber does a fantastic job narrating this tragedy and discussing body language. “Witness the exact moments when police knew Chris Watts was guilty in his family’s disappearance and the eventual found murder of his pregnant wife (Shanann) and two young daughters (Bella […] More
119 Views2 Votes
in WTFShe dragged her 50 feet to her death, we need a witness!
She ran the woman over and dragged her 50 feet, we need a witness! A woman in her 20s was in a nail salon in Las Vegas attempting to pay for her nails when her car got declined. She ran outside and as the nail clerk stood in front of the woman’s car attempting to […] More