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in LearnStep by Step exercises to increase business productivity– Day 10
Day 10: On your to do list for today is not to think about work at all. When you start thinking about work stop yourself and change topics. This is a very important step in fighting burnout. Burnout might not seem like a big deal but it absolutely is. This is a pitfall I fall […] More
in UncategorizedStep by Step exercises to increase business productivity – Day 5
Day 5: Lets maximize your productivity with something called time blocking. Time blocking is another word to being intentional with your time. How: 1. Start Today2. Create a list of tasks for the rest of the week. 3. Prioritize them4. Create the appropriate blocks of time to do the specific task ( no need to be […] More
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in LearnStep by Step exercises to increase business productivity – Day 6
Day 6: Magic word of the day! Here is an amazing word that evokes a powerful emotional reaction. The word is “Amazing”. Every time you’ve been amazed by something most likely you’ve shared it with another person. Today choose a specific item or service that you offer that you feel is amazing and share it, […] More
in Learn
Step by Step exercises to increase business productivity – Day 7
Day 7: Explaining the benefits of your product or service is a major selling point that many business owners forget to mention when it comes to their product or service. Today choose a random item or service that you offer and let the people you share it with know why this item or service will […] More
in Learn
Step by Step exercises to increase business productivity – Day 8
Day 8: Today we’re going to be using Twitter because it will directly impact your business. It is a necessary business tool to reach new customers as well as provide news. So today if you do not have a #Twitter account for your business page go create one. If you currently have a Twitter business […] More
in LearnStep by Step exercises to increase business productivity – Day 4
Day 4: There is are 3 ways of handling your office space. A. Organization to a point where things are productive and function as they shouldB. Hyper-Organizing/Micro-Organizing to the point where you have wasted hours/days/weeks on the same project or an extension of that project and because of that reason you have not been able […] More
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in NoteworthyStep by Step exercises to increase business productivity – Day 2