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in Fun StuffBoat is leaving, time to choose
You can only have ONE and not the other. Which will you choose? What did your friends choose? Imagine a boat was leaving for the only safe place on earth. You get to vote for these items and the items that have the most votes get on that boat but you will never have the […] More
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in Fun StuffWhich are you Team Care Bears or Team Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
During the end of the world or zombie infestation which team do you belong on? Take this quiz to find out which team is best suited for you and a long the way you may learn some interesting things about yourself. More
18 Views5 Votes
in LearnI bet you can’t get 100! Are you smarter than your friends?
Find your skill level in math from this fun quiz and compare to your friends. Post your score below! This is for entertainment purposes only. More
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in NoteworthyWhy you shouldn’t “Share and type Amen”
Written by: Matina Lamackar 10/27/2018 First of all I want you all to know, I’m not a blogger. I’m not a writer just a regular person with some thoughts that I like putting down when I get frustrated, irritated or inspired. This story is all about being irritated by the toxicity of meme’s and shares […] More