Day 10:
On your to do list for today is not to think about work at all. When you start thinking about work stop yourself and change topics.
This is a very important step in fighting burnout. Burnout might not seem like a big deal but it absolutely is. This is a pitfall I fall in alot and it’s something I specifically have to work on. If you are experiencing more than 1 of these then you need to do some re-evaluating.
Symptoms of burnout:
1. Everyday that you work seems like a bad day2. You are losing patience much faster than usual3. Feel exhausted constantly4. Chest Pain (please check with your doctor if you are experiencing this and don’t assume this is the only reason)5. Shortness of breath (please check with your doctor if you are experiencing this and don’t assume this is the only reason)6. Can’t sleep (please check with your doctor if you are experiencing this and don’t assume this is the only reason)7. Feeling hopeless8. Feeling overwhelmed
Solutions to fixing burnout:
1. Reassess your goals: when things have shifted and you’re feeling un-organized your goals will start looking blurry. In this event we’re currently having you will see a section on organizing and creating goals. Doing that task should eliminate this burnout problem.
2. Vacation time: this does not have to be far but it can’t be a mini 15 min vacation, there is no such thing. You’re not a program that can pause. Try to take your physical self out of whatever environment you need the vacation from.
3. Look into the PERMA model created by Martin Seligman to help you realize what parts of your life need to be reassessed.
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