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in WOWPrehistoric Praying Mantis Trapped In Amber
This beautiful picture is courtesy of Heritage Auctions, This piece has been dated by Heritage auctions to be about 23 million to 33.9 million years old It was sold in Auction in 2006 for 6000 dollars More
16 Views2 Votes
in NewsIs it coal? What is the cause of the BLACK SNOW?
Fast Facts list about the black snow: The color of this snow is baffling scientists, local media thinks its the coal plants The black snow is over 3 cities in the coal-mining region of Prokopyevsk, Kiselyovsk and Leninsk-Kuznetsky. Ref & more info here More
25 Views3 Votes
in Creepy3 Stories of Police witnessing the Scary & Paranormal
These stories creeped me out so I wanted to share them with you. These are in no particular order. #3 The Phone Call “My uncle works for dispatch in my town and he recently told my family of the weirdest call he’s ever gotten. He says that he had received a call from a landline […] More
79 Views2 Votes
in WOWA wild asshole appears – Disgusting comment by bully
So a friend of mine posts this on Facebook today. It is a heartbreaking story about this poor couple that decided to carry their baby to term who was dead from a brain disorder so they can donate their babies organs to other newborns to save their lives. Then this idiot DAVID comes along and his […] More
16 Views1 Vote
in WTFAnother child BULLIED to SUICIDE… at 11 years old…please listen
Delia Watson was an 11 year old girl who took her life because of the bullies in her life. According to her friend Delia “…held her head up high and always carried a beautiful smile” so please it doesn’t matter if they are smiling, please talk to your children about bullying and check out their […] More
20 Views2 Votes
in WOWCreaturesAlpha – The AI Have Hacked their code Again!
137 Views3 Votes
in WOWTop 10 sculptures by artist John Lopez that will amaze you
Top 10 sculptures by artist John Lopez that will amaze you. Rank up your favorite! John Lopez creates sculptures using abandoned and old farm equipment More
116 Views3 Votes
in WOWDo yourself a favor and watch this, pay attention.
Just watch … I have no words. You can subscribe to their channel here, I’m not affiliated with them but this is a masterpiece ► Christina Aguilera & Demi Lovato – Fall In Line (Dance Video) Concept and Choreography by Jojo GomezDirected by Tim MilgramPerformed by Kaycee Rice & Jojo Gomez More
455 Views10 Votes
in WOWCracking open a RAW OPAL
source omgoodness this is freaken gorgeous! More