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in LearnWhy I am excited for Path of Exile: Betrayal
Why I am excited for Path of Exile: Betrayal I first started playing Path of Exile April 4th 2014 when my friend Wallylee showed it to me and I was hooked but after a while, I moved on with the grind not being enough to hold my interest playing solo. So, 4 years later to […] More
16 Views1 Vote
I love this! #ParentingDoneRight!
Came across this really awesome post and had to share! If you can’t read the image it says “You got to give to get! Please fill up the basket with toys you no longer play with. I will take them to the North Pole for other kids. Love Trixie” More
28 Views1 Vote
in Fun StuffThis mom is my hero lol! #thehashtagsthoughlol
I saw this and thought you guys would enjoy it! In case you cant read it here is the text you can also read a cute article about this at : Lovewhatmatters Hilary Hard writes: Let me share with y’all a massive mom fail I experienced tonight. So about a week ago, I noticed this toy […] More
15 Views1 Vote
in InspirationalIn case you needed some inspiration today
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in Fun StuffWalter doesn't understand why he can't go to the park
source It’s for your own good Walter. More
23 Views2 Votes
in Fun StuffSanta VS Krampus THE FINAL SHOWDOWN
WHO WILL BE THE ULTIMATE VICTOR! Santa: Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved (“good” or “nice”) children on Christmas Eve (24 December) and the early morning hours of Christmas Day (25 December). Krampus: Krampus is one of […] More
20 Views2 Votes
in InspirationalGetting stuck in the negatives Alison Ledgerwood
35 Views2 Votes
in UncategorizedThe Disappearance of Bobby Dunbar #mystery #missing #vanished
The Disappearance of Bobby Dunbar We’re NEW here your support is necessary to help us create more content. Your LIKE on this video tells us we’re doing it right. Please comment, like and subscribe to keep us going. Narrator: Kardia Links: Article on USA Today:… Way back Machine:… Music: Yobotronic Supersonic… Visual […] More
26 Views2 Votes
in WOWCoyote Vest Pet Body Armor for your dog
source After not being able to save their dog Buffy from a coyote attack that took her life. The CoyoteVest was made so no other dog parent can go through what they went through. All products: This is not an affiliate link, I just think its an awesome product. More
155 Views2 Votes
in Fun StuffFather playing some games with his 5 yr old daughter WHEN….
source In this video Twitter user @Clever_Knifes spends some quality time with his 5 year old. I’m not going to spoil it for you, its a must watch. More