
Do you have a mask?

Do you have a mask? 

Mental illness is a serious issue. If you have feelings of hopelessness reach out to someone. There is actually several different websites that might help, that you’ve probably never heard of. I’m not affiliated with any of them but I thought I’d share for anyone who needs. Do you know any website or information that can go here? Let me know I can make a list on bizzbinable on different ways to overcome sadness (not a substitute for medication if you need it just another tool)

According to the The UnLonely Project website they seek to: 

  • Raise awareness about loneliness as a pressing health problem and promote creative expression as an innovative approach to alleviate it.
  • Offer tools, resources, and programs for the reduction of loneliness through creative expression for a variety of impacted populations.
  • Catalyze and conduct further research into how to most effectively and creatively reduce the burden of loneliness for millions of Americans.

The Suicide Prevention Lifeline organization recommends to “find an activity you enjoy: Taking care of yourself is an important part of your recovery. Your “self-care” activities can be anything that makes you feel good about yourself.” if you need to just speak to someone you can call this number: 1-800-273-8255 or you can use their chat service   

Another great website is #Bethe1to which is the message the suicide prevention lifeline organization is trying to spread so they can prevent suicides. They have kits you can create to spread awareness and also kits other people have made for you to share to spread the word. 

I know rain relaxes me so I found this website called Rainy Mood that I think you guys would love. 

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Written by Matina

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