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in WOWModern Educayshun
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in WOWNew Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete (Corridor Digital)
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in WOWTurtle gets a new lease on life with a 3D PRINTED shell!
Found this awesome video of a turtle getting a new shell after a fire destroyed his. It was printed with a 3D printed and an amazing painter made it feel like home. Check out more from this YouTube Channel here: More
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in WOWCop goes on subway and makes fun of women's abortions
Welcome to this new world of being afraid and trapped. @Kates254 writes after the incident: “I don’t know what to do. After my horrified look and his wink, he saw me typing on my phone and shrugged to his partner, “I had a good run ”They’re off the train now. I’m fighting off tears.” […] More
in WOWChild Protege Alma Deutsher Piano improvisation
She was also seen on Ellen DeGeneres. She’s brilliant More
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in WOWA jaguar proving why he's so powerful – watch video
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in WOWPrehistoric Praying Mantis Trapped In Amber
This beautiful picture is courtesy of Heritage Auctions, This piece has been dated by Heritage auctions to be about 23 million to 33.9 million years old It was sold in Auction in 2006 for 6000 dollars More
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in WOWAMAZING Time Lapse SAND SCULPTING Videos – 3D Art Sand Sculpture
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in WOWToddler falls out of van on busy highway (Crazy video)
source omg I can’t believe this video. This little girl falls out the back of this van! More
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in WOWSame artist doing 20 min speed carving of wolf!
This video of the same artist Igor Loskutow showing a full length 20 min speed carving he did of a wolf for a competition. Unfortunately there is no video of the dragon bench being made but if I find it you know I’m sharing that too, although I doubt it took 20 minutes. More
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in WOWA wild asshole appears – Disgusting comment by bully
So a friend of mine posts this on Facebook today. It is a heartbreaking story about this poor couple that decided to carry their baby to term who was dead from a brain disorder so they can donate their babies organs to other newborns to save their lives. Then this idiot DAVID comes along and his […] More