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in NoteworthyStep by Step exercises to increase business productivity – Day 1
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in LearnOld Man shows small Joint Manipulation Bagua Skills
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in Fun StuffFather playing some games with his 5 yr old daughter WHEN….
source In this video Twitter user @Clever_Knifes spends some quality time with his 5 year old. I’m not going to spoil it for you, its a must watch. More
118 Views3 Votes
in News#MAGICKaraoke and #TryviaTyme Until Dec 15th #karaoke #trivia
Looking for a fun night out? Look no further than a MAGIC Karaoke or Tryvia Tyme event from Pete and Chris Amusements! Sing the week’s stresses away as DJ Presto and DJ Incredulolus host CT’s most fun, active, and supportive night of karaoke! We make you feel like a star! We can be your backup […] More
32 Views3 Votes
in Creepy9 Spooky Campfire Story Shows List #anthologies #creepy #tvshows
9 Spooky Campfire Story Shows List Today we will be going over a list of “Spooky Campfire Story Shows.” The TV shows listed will be shows that were a compilation of stand alone stories or “compilation” series where each episode would be 1 story. PLEASE VOTE ON YOUR FAVORITE:… We’re NEW here your support […] More
203 Views4 Votes
in LearnThe Concept Of Perma Death In Games
The Concept Of Perma Death In Games We see permadeath in many games. Whether it is a core concept in something such as D&D or many other tabletops as well as in games such as Path Of Exile when being used not as a realism rule but as a way of accruing a standing and […] More